About the Journal

ASEAN Social Work Journal (ASWJ) is an international social work journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal mandated by the ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC) to be published by the country of Indonesia, specifically the Indonesian Social Work Consortium (ISWC).
ISWC was established on the 10th of August, 2011, in Jakarta-Indonesia, following the ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC) at a regional level in Manila, the Philippines. The primary mandate of ISWC is to facilitate strategic initiatives for promoting roles of social work profession and education. The ASEAN Social Work Journal is one of the initiatives that comply with these purposes. It is part of the Knowledge Management work plan formulated by ASWC.
The journal has been a member of Crossref (Prefix: 10.58671/aswj) with Online ISSN 2963-2404 and Print ISSN 2089-1075