Methodological and Ethical Considerations in Research Involving Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse : A Reflection


  • Nurul Eka Hidayati Department of Social Welfare, the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia; Second ChairPerson of Indonesian Association of Social Workers, Indonesia
  • Fentiny Nugroho Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Sali Rahadi Asih Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



Sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse, ethical, methodology


The number of reported incidents of sexual violence continues to increase in Indonesia, giving rise to deep concerns and calls to prevent sexual violence from occurring in the future. Some experts call it “the Silent Epidemic” because it is estimated that the actual number of events is much higher than reported. Therefore, research on this issue needs to be continued to get input on the cause and effect, impact and prevention efforts. Researches on child sexual abuse and the impact throughout the lives of the survivors is highly important in providing scientific evidences for developing the interventions in social work practice. However, it also comes with very specific challenges when conducting a research on this issue. There are no specific guidelines regarding ethics and methodology in carrying out research on survivors of sexual violence.  Therefore, in the future it is important to consider the methodological and ethical aspects before embarking on a research involving survivors of sexual violence. Based on the experience of carrying out this research, the aspects that potentially harm or put participants and researchers at risk can be minimized or even avoided. This experience can also provide reinforcement that research involving trauma survivors can benefit both the affected population as well as social work scientists and practitioners. This manuscript discusses the current thinking on these issues.

Author Biographies

Nurul Eka Hidayati, Department of Social Welfare, the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia; Second ChairPerson of Indonesian Association of Social Workers, Indonesia

Eka is registered and certified social worker with more than 20 years of experience in social work. Her passions is in mental health and psychosocial support, human rights and social work advocacy program. Nurul dedicates her life to the development and strengthening of the social work profession in Indonesia. She currently serves as the second chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Social Workers and as Secretary General of the Indonesia Social Work Consortium. Her educational background includes a 4-years Diploma in Social Work, a Master in Social Welfare and she is currently completing her dissertation in social welfare at the Universitas Indonesia


Fentiny Nugroho, Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Fentini is graduated from Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Curtin University, Australia, is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Indonesia. Previously, she was Head of the Department. She was a Chair of the Indonesian Association of Social Work Education(2010-2012), President of the Asian Pacific Association for Social Work Education (2013-2017), and Vice President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (2013-2017). She is still active as a Board of Expert or Advisory Board of Indonesian Social Work Consortium, associations of social work education and the profession in Indonesia. Hermain researchinterestsincludepoverty,globalization,child,and social work integrated methods. Her email address is


Sali Rahadi Asih, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Dr. Asih is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia. She is the Head of Academic Quality Assurance Unit of the said faculty. Previously, she was the Vice Dean for Academics, Research and Students Affairs. She holds a BA in Psychology (Universitas Indonesia, 2002), MPsi (Professional Clinical Psychology degree; Universitas Indonesia, 2004), Master of Grief and Palliative Care Counselling (University of Adelaide, 2010), and PhD in Health Psychology (The University of Texas at Arlington, 2015). Dr. Sali Rahadi Asih is an aspiring researcher whose line of research includes chronic pain, the biopsychosocial approach on chronic illness, sleep, and disability. She has been grantrd grants and commissions nationally and internationally.She has published in the Clinical Journal of Painand Pain Practice. She has conducted research on chronic musculoskeletal disorderspopulation; havepublishedin The Spine Journal, Spine, and Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Dr. Asih has supervised students for their undergraduate and graduate thesis, clinical case intake, and served in dissertation committee for psychology,medical, and nursingstudents. Dr. Asih has received the Australian Partnership Scholarship and the Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Dr. Asihis a reviewerfor Pain Practice, Journal of Biobehavioral Research, and Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia.She is a licensed clinical psychologist and practice at a non-profit clinic Shehas been invited as speaker in various events, discussing about scientific article writing, research methodology, and statisitical analyses.



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How to Cite

Nurul Eka Hidayati, Nugroho, F. ., & Sali Rahadi Asih. (2022). Methodological and Ethical Considerations in Research Involving Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse : A Reflection. Asean Social Work Journal, 10(1), 47–58.




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