Public Knowledge of Law Number 14 of 2019 on Social Worker and the Implementation of Social Work in Indonesia


  • Risna Resnawaty University of Padjajaran, West Java, Indonesia
  • Alfrojems Consortium of Indonesian Social Work, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Leny Jakaria World Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dea Triantara Wibawa Independent Organizationof Indonesian Professional Social Worker(IPSPI), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Zulfa Styabudi Social Service of Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
  • Ena Rodiah Ministry of Social Affairs, West Java, Indonesia



Knowledge,, Social Worker , Law , Society


The ratification of Law Number 14 of 2019 on social worker provides a new chapter for social workers in Indonesia. The existence of this law certainly provides a large enough opportunity for social workers to be able to open up more opportunities in providing quality and equitable social services in all regions in Indonesia. however, what needs to be realized is the importance of being able to understand the condition of the community especially regarding their knowledge related to this Law and of course social workers in general. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine public knowledge about Law Number 14 of 2019 on social worker. The research method is quantitative with descriptive type. The sampling technique used is simple random sample, where the number of respondents reached 222 people. The results of this study indicate that the knowledge of the community belongs to the very good group with a value reaching 50.75 points accumulatively, so to be able to maintain this, a concrete step is needed to be able to maintain or even maximize the knowledge of the community, where this can be implemented through socialization programs and of course research that periodically measures the level of public knowledge about Law Number 14 of 2019 on social worker.

Author Biographies

Risna Resnawaty, University of Padjajaran, West Java, Indonesia

Risnais a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social Welfare, Padjadjaran University. Risna has a research focus on social workers, social enterprise, and corporate social responsibility. Risna was recorded as a doctoral graduate from the Department of Social Welfare, University of Indonesia. In addition, Currently, Risna is the deputy program manager in the IPSPI-Ministry of Social Affairs-UNICEF cooperation project in the Acceleration and Reformation for Social Workers Law No.14/2019 implementation to ensure quality social services for child protection and welfare service provision through enhancement of coordination at regional



Alfrojems, Consortium of Indonesian Social Work, Jakarta, Indonesia

Jems actively in research and publications, he believe that research and publications are the outputs of a concrete efforts in implementing critical thinking skills. The research area covers some issues such as social welfare, human rights, inclusion, diversity, social development, corporate social responsibility (CSR), social entrepreneurship, social capital, social protection, and children protection. Has been involved in several research projects that eventually in policies such as the PKH’sHuman Resourcescode of ethics, Monitoring and evaluation of the TB Aisyiyah Program, Suicide Cases in Dompu (NTB), Social protection processes in Sukabumi Regency, Sexual Violence, social protection processes in Indonesia, group development care for children with UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Affairs

Leny Jakaria, World Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

She is a Social Worker. When the Tsunami hit Aceh, PKBI opened an Aceh emergency response desk, Leny moved to the program department. This experience provided a strong footing for Leny to become a National Program Associate at the United Nation Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Leny stayed at UNFPA until he became an acting National Program Officer. Furthermore, Leny then moved to the AHA Centre, an ASEAN organization for disaster response. After that, Leny mostly filled his activities by being a consultant at the United Nation Institution; UNESCO, UNICEF, Asian Development Bank and World Bank. Currently, Leny is the Head of Organization, Independent Professional Indonesian Social Worker and Program Manager for the Project Management Unit of IPSPI-MoSA-UNICE


Dea Triantara Wibawa, Independent Organizationof Indonesian Professional Social Worker(IPSPI), Jakarta, Indonesia

Dea isa social worker focusing on rehabilitation fordrug victims.Dea’s experiencesassocial worker does not stop there, he also worked in a child social protection house in 2016 and the Marsudi Putra Handayani Social Institution of the Ministry of Social Affairs which handled children in conflict with the law in 2017-2018. Currently, Idea is the administrator of the Indonesian Professional Social Worker Independent Organization for the 2019-2022 Period. Currently,Heis the Finance manager of the IPSPI-Ministry of Social Affairs-UNICEF collaboration project in the Acceleration and reformation program for Social Workers Law No.14/2019


Ahmad Zulfa Styabudi, Social Service of Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia

Ahmad Zulfa Styabudi,S.Tr.Sos is a Functional Social Worker who works in theBandung City Government (Field of expertise that has the authority to carry out various efforts to improve people's abilities in carrying out their social functions through interaction, intervention and policy making so that people can satisfactorily adjusts to his life situation). He is one of the authors of the book Millennial Social Workers (Inspirational Stories of Millennial Generations Who Struggle in the World of Social Work) with young Indonesian figures who have contributed to bringing the world of social workers to life through writing experiences. In addition, as Head of Publication of Documentation and Public Relations of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Professional Social Worker (IPSPI) which is a forum for Professional Social Worker Organizations in Indonesia.


Ena Rodiah, Ministry of Social Affairs, West Java, Indonesia

Enais a certified social worker currently serving at the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the Family Hope Program (PKH). In 2018, Ena was named Indonesia's outstanding social worker. Currently, Ena is also active in the Regional Board of Indonesian Social Workers Independent (DPD IPSPI) of West Java Province. Currently Ena is a member of the IPSPI-Ministry of Social Affairs-UNICEF cooperation project in the Acceleration and reformation program for Social Workers Law No. 14/2019 implementation to ensure quality social services for child protection and welfare service provision through enhancement of coordination at regional, national and provincial level with the establishment of the pilot project for Social Worker Center in 7 provinces of IPSPI area committee



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How to Cite

Risna Resnawaty, Alfrojems, Leny Jakaria, Dea Triantara Wibawa, Ahmad Zulfa Styabudi, & Ena Rodiah. (2022). Public Knowledge of Law Number 14 of 2019 on Social Worker and the Implementation of Social Work in Indonesia. Asean Social Work Journal, 10(1), 72–82.




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