Occupational accidents related to gender in the village of La Xuyen wood handicraft


  • Ly Truong Thi Social work Faculty, Trade Union University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam




Occupational accidents, occupational accidents related to gender, occupational accidents in the village wood handicraft


One of the main craft groups in Vietnam is carpentry. According to research conducted in the La Xuyen wood handicraft village, accidents at work—from minor mishaps to serious and serious accidents—are quite common in the wood industry. Fatal workplace incident According to research, there are numerous hazards that could result in work accidents for both male and female employees in La Xuyen craft village. Men and women differ in that men experience more workplace accidents, and men also experience a higher rate of occupational accidents than women. This is because men frequently take on heavier tasks and use potentially flimsy machinery. Whereas women frequently take on simple, creative jobs that call for ingenuity and use few machines.

Author Biography

Ly Truong Thi, Social work Faculty, Trade Union University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Vietnam-native Truong Thi Ly was born in 1987, and in 2009 and 2012, she earned sociology bachelor's and master's degrees, respectively. At the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, she is presently a social work PhD candidate. The thesis is "Group social work in preventing occupational accidents in wood craft villages."The fields of sociology and social work have been the focus of Ms. Ly's research and teaching for the past 12 years. At the Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Ms. Ly conducted research from 2009 to 2014. Ms. Ly began lecturing at the Faculty of Social Work of Trade Union University in Vietnam in 2015. The four majors that Ms. Ly is presently researching and instructing are Family Studies, Scientific Research Methods, Research Methods in Social Work, and Social Work with Employees



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How to Cite

Truong Thi, L. (2022). Occupational accidents related to gender in the village of La Xuyen wood handicraft . Asean Social Work Journal, 10(2), 14–23. https://doi.org/10.58671/aswj.v10i2.24




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