Corporate Social Responsibility and Services for People with Disabilities


  • Santoso Tri Raharjo CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran
  • Nurliana Cipta Apsari CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran
  • Meilanny Budiarti Santoso CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran
  • Sahadi Humaedi CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran



Disability, Empowerment, Corporate Social Responsibility


Besides making profits, companies have an important duty toward society and the environment. This obligation is manifested in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, governed in Indonesia by Law Number 40/2007 on limited liability companies and Law Number 25/2007 on capital investment. By targeting individuals with disabilities, CSR programs can have a significant impact on the lives of those who often face significant challenges. Supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities benefits these individuals and creates a more inclusive and diverse society. By investing in these programs, companies can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility, improve their reputation, and ultimately contribute to a better world. This article discusses CSR services in Indonesia for people with disabilities using the literature review research. The research found that CSR programs for people with disabilities in Indonesia focus on community services and community empowerment programs. With this program, companies not only provide financial assistance to people with disabilities but also enable people with disabilities through education, training, and empowerment programs. This study found that CSR services for people with disabilities in Indonesia positively impact socioeconomic conditions and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable development. This study advocates the increasing collaboration with various stakeholders, including the government, NGOs, academics, and the community to ensure the sustainability of the program. The CSR programs are expanded to encompass more rights of people with disabilities.


Author Biographies

Santoso Tri Raharjo, CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran

Santoso Tri Raharjo is Doktor (Ph.D) and a member faculty at Departement of  Social Welfare,  Faculty of Social and Politic Science, University of Padjadjaran. He also Head of CSR, Social Entrepreneurship, and Community Empowerment Center-University of Padjadjaran. His research interest include Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Development, Social Work, Social Entrepreneurship, and Community Empowerment. Email:

Nurliana Cipta Apsari, CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran

Nurliana Cipta Apsari known as Lia, is a faculty member at the Social Work Department at the University of Padjadjaran Indonesia. Her interest in the practice and teaching experience has been in working as a social worker with vulnerable groups through casework, group work, community work, and policy practice. Email:

Meilanny Budiarti Santoso, CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran

Meilanny Budiarti Santoso is a faculty member at Social Work Department, Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia. She has numerous publications in the social work field, and her current research is in individual, group, and community capacity development. Email:

Sahadi Humaedi, CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Study Centre FISIP University of Padjadjaran

Sahadi Humaedi is a faculty member of the Social Welfare Department of Padjadjaran University and is also active in the CSR study center of Padjadjaran University. He currently is a student at the Social Welfare doctoral degree and has a concentration on Community Development, Community Empowerment, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Email:


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How to Cite

Raharjo, S. T., Apsari, N. C., Santoso, M. B., & Humaedi, S. (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility and Services for People with Disabilities . Asean Social Work Journal, 12(1), 79–87.




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